

Welcome to the Procorre Blogger site. The company provides professional consultancy services for clients located in various places around the world. Procorre started as a group of different professional service consultancies that came together into one organisation. By joining forces, these consultancies took advantage of the wider skills base it would allow them to access and take on high-value projects. From the merger, Procorre has grown to establish offices in Singapore, Geneva, Dublin and London. 

Procorre’s growth has been driven by a number of values that are integral to the work it performs. These values – integrity, empowerment, collaboration, vision – speak to the company’s desire to ensure open and honest communication, constantly provide innovative services, collaborate closely with clients, and empower its partners to achieve value. 

In addition to being a provider of expert talent, Procorre also performs research on various issues that affect the global consulting industry. The company publishes this information through its official blog, infographics, videos and whitepapers, which serve to educate the public on progress in the industry and the potential benefits that clients, consultants and preferred partners can enjoy by working with the company. For Procorre, publishing whitepapers ensure that the company can leverage its years of experience in global consulting to helping clients make the right decisions on their projects. 

Procorre understands that whitepapers are powerful tools that can communicate a lot of information when they are crafted and published in the right manner. For this to happen, the company ensures that the content is substantive and promotes innovative thinking, the ideas are clearly communicated, the issues tackled are relevant, and any data presented is sound and well-researched. 

Recent whitepapers published on the official Procorre blog address a range of multi-industry subjects, including renewable energy, gender disparity in consultancy and future opportunities for the oil and gas industry in Africa. Make sure you bookmark the page to stay up to date with the latest research and news.

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